Saturday, December 31, 2011

OnSale DELTA 35-7670 8-Inch Stacked Dado Set

DELTA 35-7670 8-Inch Stacked Dado Set by Delta
  • Heavy-duty storage case give protection tos blades against chipped teeth and damage
  • 4-Tooth Chippers supply clean, flat backside reduces
  • Stainless-steel shims permit for ultra-fine width adjustments
  • Set embraces two blades, six 4-tooth carbide tipped chippers, 12 metal shims, and a heavy-duty storage case
  • Micro-grain carbide enamel deliver clean lowers and reduce splintering

  • Heavy-duty storage case offer safety tos blades once morest chipped tooth and damage.4-Tooth Chippers give clean, flat backside minimizes.Stainless-steel shims allow for ultra-fine width adjustments.Set includes two blades, six 4-tooth carbide tipped chippers, 12 metal shims, and a heavy-duty storage case.Micro-grain carbide tooth deliver clean reduces and scale back splintering. The DELTA 35-7670 8-inch Stacked Dado Set embraces two 8-inch dado blades made to DELTA's exacting same olds. DELTA makes use of a laser chopping method to make certain that each and every blade is appropriately minimize without any warping. You'll have specifically smooth lowers, and fewer splintering and tear-outs, because of the extremely sharp leading parts with C4 micro-grain carbide teeth that are floor so that every enamel aircrafts the timber. The growth slots are exactly minimize to cut back noise and aspect vibration. Also embodyd are 4-tooth carbide tipped chippers to deliver flat backside minimizes, as neatly as chrome steel shims for making ultra-fine width adjustments. Included with the set is a storage case that offer safety tos the blades against harm.. ... Read more DELTA 35-7670 8-Inch Stacked Dado Set

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